
Did Your Dog Bite Someone? Did Your Dog Bite Someone?

In 2012, it was estimated that New York City is the home to over 600,000 dogs. Their owners see them as 600,000 of the sweetest creatures while non-dog lovers see them as the 600,000 vicious sets of teeth just waiting to sink into your leg. Whichever side of the fence you’re standing on, the fact is that it is still possible that your sweet pooch may one day lose its cool and bite someone. Did your dog bite someone? Let’s look at the legal implications.

Categories: All, Personal Injury

Can I Get Fired for Suing My Boss for Personal Injury? Can I Get Fired for Suing My Boss for Personal Injury?

Can I get fired for suing my boss? First things first. You can’t really sue your employer if you got hurt at work. Work-related injuries happen all the time, especially if you’re working in a high-risk environment. However, most of the time workers can make use of workers compensation provided by the employer which pays for their medical bills and financial losses due to out-of-work days. Workers compensation also means that you can’t sue your company for personal injuries on top of being compensated. Yet, there are a few exceptions to the rule.

Categories: All, Personal Injury

Ferry Accidents Ferry Accidents

Ferries are a common sight in New York. Companies like NY Waterway, East River Ferry, and the Staten Island Ferry transports thousands of people across the waterways of New York City. Ferry rides are often a pleasant experience and a more relaxing commute compared to being stuck in a subway or bracing traffic.

Categories: All, Ferry Accidents, Personal Injury

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